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Digital music experience

The Covid-19 global pandemic has greatly impacted societies around the world. Today we can observe that the cultural sector has been particularly affected. Indeed, one year after the first closing measures including the night-life industry, concert halls and clubs, we can observe the large difficulties that the music industry is facing.

For musician who count on live performance as a dominant part of their income, the pandemic has had a huge impact.

However, to remedy this, we can observe on digital platforms interesting initiatives to share music in an innovative way.

These places converge traditional live gigs, screen media and new media technologies but also lectures and discussion. I would say a lot have helped the artists to share and diffuse but also to care for each other.

The problem is that, financially, only well-known artists are among the tiny percentage of acts who can almost make up for the shortfall they have suffered. To help smaller acts and venues, some alternative streaming platforms have started to be developed.

Digital experiences will never replace real concerts and performances but it is still a good way to discover new music while supporting artists.

Here is a list of alternative platforms. It will be continually updated and you are welcome to suggest some more.

Date: Ongoing

Name: Radio 40

Type of platform: Radio,

Contribution: Free, Donation possible


Anyone who, due to current circumstances, have had to cancel a DJ set, a concert, a conference, a show can propose a project. The platform try to collect founds in order to financially support the musicians.

Date: Launching in April

Name: Diuo

Type of platform: Live TV

Contribution: Pay per view, subscription


It is a live arts channel. A leap between beyond live streaming platforms.

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